Hector in Conversation

art festival clinton ct

By Gilbert Boro, Welded, Bolted and Painted Steal

Location: The Academy Building, corner of 61 E. Main St. and Church Rd. 

Gilbert Boro has had a distinguished career as a sculptor, architect, educator and international design consultant.  His sculpture is concerned with the interplay of space, place and scale.  He uses various materials, including steel, stone, aluminum, and wood.  He believes the challenge and joys of creation are equally related to visualization and execution.  What art should do is help us regain the creativity we all had as children.  His work has been exhibited in numerous galleries and purchased by collectors, corporations and foundations in the US and Europe.

Mr. Boro’s works can be seen at the Gallery 80 and Sculpture Grounds at 80-1 Lyme St. Old Lyme, CT. He can be reached at (860) 434-5957.

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